Sunday, June 27, 2010


This photo comes from an old Western Illinois University Homecoming Parade - probably back in the late 1950's. My dad, Dean Chenoweth, took this slide and I transferred it to a picture a couple of years ago.

It's fun to look real hard to figure out where the different store fronts were in this photo. I believe it is from the northwest corner of the Macomb, IL square looking south. Look at all the people watching!

My mom LOVES parades! Both Mom and Dad are very patriotic - really all the family is - and they are ALWAYS certain to stand with their hands over their hearts, hats removed, while the American Flag passes by.

Seems like parades aren't as popular anymore. Why is that? I guess in our hectic, fast-paced days if we can't put the parade on our Ipod Touches, we don't want to watch it live. It's kind of like a baseball game - great stuff but takes a long time to appreciate. Make sure you bring a companion with you to visit with!

Makes you wonder what will pictures of today's parades look like? Empty? Too bad. There is something about calliope music, flags waving, precision marching bands, handmade floats, and people dressed up in funny garb that makes you appreciate a parade.

It's something we hold on to from the old days....Let's not totally lose ALL our parades. Where would politicians go to kiss babies?
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this parade pic! I remember going to that A & P Store with my Mom. Thank you for the memory, good friend!!